Carers Corner
Welcome To Carer’s Corner
Here you can find up to date information and support for carers. Please take your time to have a look. There is also a leaflet for Haringey residents. Please click here..
Carers FIRST
Carers FIRST supports unpaid carers living in Haringey, by providing information, advice and guidance looking holistically on all aspects of you as a carer and an individual.
Carers FIRST provides a dedicated telephone support service through their Carers Hub. Someone is available to take your call from 9am-5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am-4.30pm on Fridays. Carers can call the hub to register at any time or ask questions about their caring role.
Please contact the Carers Hub on 0300 303 1555 for further information or you can email or visit the Carers First website (external link).
Drop-in session Details
- First Monday of the Month, 1pm to 3pm - Hornsey Central Surgery, 151 Park Road, London, N8 8JD
- Last Friday of the month,10am to 12 noon - Shine Enterprise Centre, 89-91 Turnpike Lane, London, N8 0DY

Carer's Support Groups
In Haringey there are a number of organisations offering support and advice which you can access directly, including:
- Carers Coffee Morning
Open to all carers and run by amazing volunteers. A lovely safe space with good coffee and home-made cakes, newspapers and fresh flowers, where Carers can enjoy talking amongst themselves and supporting each other.- Every Thursday - 10am-12.30pm
- Markfield Project (external link)
Tel: 020 8800 4134
Inclusive services and support groups for disabled and non-disabled children, young people, adults and their families.- Transition and Adulthood Carer Support Group, Fridays 10am-12 noon during a 10-week term
- Parent Carer Support Group, Fridays 10am-12 noon during a 12-week term
- HAGA Families Services (external link)
Tel: 020 8801 3999
Offers advice and support, one-to-one appointments and group sessions for family and friends affected by drug and alcohol use. They offer a:- Family, Friends and Carers Saturday support group. Fridays 10am-12 noon during a 12-week term
- Alzheimer’s Society Haringey Branch (external link)
Tel: 020 8937 7171 or 07889 604 236
Support for carers and cared for people with Alzheimer’s or dementia.- Dementia Café offers a place to relax, socialise and meet other people with dementia and their Carers, Wednesdays 2-4pm.
- Young Onset Dementia Support Group (YoYo)
Email Rose de Paeztron:
A mutual support group for people diagnosed with young onset dementia and their Carers. We look out for each other at our meetings and activities.- Meet every Friday with a rotating schedule of events
- SGV Cancer Support Weekly Drop-in (external link)
Tel: 0203 751 2433 / 0788 4444062
For people over 18 with cancer, their friends, relatives/carers. SGV Cancer Support aims to make a difference to people affected by cancer and promote good health by raising cancer awareness.- Every Tuesday, 1pm-3.30pm
- Rethink Mental Illness (external link)
Tel: 01823 365 308
Group open to Carers and people with mental illness.- First Thursday of every quarter from 7pm, Suffolk House, 451 Green Lanes, N13 4BS