
IAPT Haringey NHS counselling service

IAPT Haringey NHS counselling service

If you are feeling low and down or just anxious you can self refer to speak to a Haringey IAPT counsellor free under the NHS. Simply click on and choose self referral and complete the online form. This is faster than seeing your GP who would then have to refer you to IAPT. For more information visit IAPT. Patients who are registered with a Haringey GP or living in Haringey, >=16 years old or experiencing depression and/or anxiety or related problems can access the service.

To self refer to a Haringey counsellor without having to see a GP complete their Self Referral to IAPT and they should contact you within 2-4 weeks. Please click on self-referral and complete the details.

Emergency (Adult + children)


If you are worried about acting on suicidal thoughts, please contact the Haringey Crisis number below. This includes if you are worried about hearing voices or other psychotic symptoms or feel they need urgent mental health support or advice.

If you are experiencing problems with drug or alcohol misuse, please contact your GP or DASH (Drug Advisory Service Haringey) on 0208 489 4011 or HAGA (Haringey Advisory Group on Alcohol) on 0208 800 6999.

The number below operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you are an existing patient you can also continue to contact your clinical team in the usual way.

Ring - Haringey Patient Emergency Crisis: 0800 151 0023